Commission System
A quickstart guide to understanding our Commission System.
Player's Uplines
Meaning which downline accounts should be the commission points be credited upon. Should consist of 1 Root, 1 Distributor, 1 Branch & 1 Store. Commission varies of either Betting or Winning. They both have different percentages when the points is distributed it really depends on the Downline Account's Percentages.
Winning & Betting has 2 types of games Evolution & Pragmatic Play
Live Casino
right now only betting commission is only enabled.Slot Games
are basically just 50/50 chance.
Multi Level Marketing
To understand fully of the commission system and its hierachy here's a chart this is the Partner Management.
All of the calculations are rendered real time.
Workflow Betting Commission
- User Bets
- User Losses
- Bet amount will be commissioned to user's respective uplines (root, branch, distributor, store)
- Total Commission points to downlines will be deducted from Operator Wallet
Workflow Winning Commission
- User Bets
- User Wins
- Win amount will be commissioned to user's respective uplines (root, branch, distributor, store)
- Total Commission points to downlines will be deducted from User Wallet
All the necessary materials or resources is on the Inifnite Gamings sheet which will be provided to you by a Blueprint Dev.